Wednesday 27 March 2013


We have been working very hard in class constructing our castle. Take a look at our progress...

Our children think this castle is so beautiful and have used it as the inspiration for their construction.

Mrs. Hillier brought these big boxes and the children painted them to make the pillars/towers of the castle.

We are sponge painting the walls of the castle to give it an aged brick look like in the picture of the castle in the book.
At the art studio, children are busy making masks of kings, queens, princesses, princes, knights and dragons. Below are some of the masks the morning class made.

The morning class left their props for the afternoon class to play with.


Thursday 21 March 2013

The Best Part of Me Project

We read the book "The Best Part of Me" in the PM class today. It is a book about celebrating what we like best about ourselves written by young children. After reading the book, I asked the children what their best part was and why, and recorded their responses. All the children had something to say, and were able to explain why they chose a particular part. Here are some of the children's responses that I recorded.

F- "lips- I can wear lipstick, and it helps me eat".
E- "neck- Food goes down".
R- "feet-It helps me run".

I will be taking pictures of the kids and they will be invited to write about their best part.
AM class will also be invited to participate.


The Paper Bag Princess Movie

We started to watch The Paper Bag Princess movie in class today, and we will finish watching the movie tomorrow. We would like to compare the similarities and differences between the book and the movie. I am posting the video (2 parts, about 10 minutes each) for you to watch at home if you would like to!

                                                                          PART 1


Wednesday 20 March 2013


Here is our read aloud from today. Enjoy!!

The Castle

The students in Room 165 are VERY, VERY, VERY excited about a new project that both classes are working on in our dramatic play centre.

When we first started school, the drama centre was a house centre, and later it became a doctor's office (AM class choice). Prior to the March Break, the PM class brainstormed a list of ideas for the drama centre and voted:
The idea with the most votes was for CASTLE!!!

The children immediately began cheering and clapping for the vote outcome. They began drawing pictures about what the castle would look like, and what the castle would need. They came up with wonderful ideas for what the castle would need, such as princes, princesses, crowns, dragons, water, bridge, secret passages, just to name a few. 

On Monday, we closed the doctor centre, and started creating our castle. Here is what it looks like so far

 At the art studio, the children were hard at work making crowns, and necklaces for royalty.

Inspired by the story,  "The Paper Bag Princess" we read during group time, the student on the right built a dragon with snap cubes, and the student on the right is a dragon slayer.

We will continue making props for our castle this week based on the children's interests, and I will keep you updated!!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Making Letters

Another Kindergarten teacher at school kindly gave my class a print out of the letters of the alphabet that were very unique. They feature humans creating letters with their bodies. This sparked interest amongst children who are now using their bodies, working collaboratively with friends, and using available materials in the classroom to make letters.