Thursday 18 April 2013


During our planting of the amaryllis bulbs in the garden the children discovered worms!!! We brought them into the classroom and gave them a home in soil and a clear container. The children were busy observing the worms, and I have been recording their thoughts and questions to revisit again. The worms have created quite a buzz in our classroom!


The Amaryllis bulbs

As you know, earlier in the winter we had planted amaryllis bulbs in the classroom and they grew into very beautiful flowers. Some of our plants have died, and we asked the children what we should do now that the plants have died.

A student in the afternoon class suggested we cut the leaves and flowers and use them to make we did just that!
This inspired the children to create their works of art.
We discussed with the morning about what the afternoon children had decided but this left us with a problem. We had no idea what to do with the bulbs we cut!
They felt that the bulbs could grow again. Heere is what they suggested we do...
We are leaving this bulb in the classroom and we will water it.
We placed this cut bulb in water only to see if that would help it grow again.
This bulb the children wanted to leave in the pot but place it in our garden so that the rain and sun would help it grow again.
This bulb we took out of its pot. We saw the roots that had formed at the bottom. The children wanted to plant this in the soil in the garden.
Now we will wait to see what happens!!



Can it be Spring when there is snow?

I meant to post this much earlier.

 Last week when it was snowing outside the children thought that Spring had disappeared. One of the children in the morning class asked "Is it Spring when it snows?" I presented this question to the afternoon class as well, and they thought that "Christmas"/Winter had come back

To answer this question we thought we would go outside and visit various courtyards to search for evidence of Spring.

First all we saw was snow, and we became interested in making footprints.
Then the children started to see evidence of Spring. The growth of new plants and birds.

After our outdoor explorations some of the children felt that  the "snow had covered Spring". Other shildren were still convinced that it was Christmas. The next day the rain came and the snow melted. We are continuing our explorations around evidence of Spring.


Spring Thing- Peep and the Big Wide World

Here is a video the morning class enjoyed in library today.